Meet Maurier Turner

The mastermind behind Drunk'N Wangz, a mobile food service specializing in gourmet chicken wings infused with premium liquor and fresh fruits.

This case study delves into the journey of how Maurier transformed a culinary concept into a thriving business.

  • He wanted a brand as bold as his flavors. The logo was the spark that got him thinking, then the vision grew larger.

    “After researching on other restaurants and food businesses, I realized how important it was to design a brand that sells itself. So I reached out to you.” - Maurier

Check the deck!


Questions that need answers.

What exactly is a Brand Deck?

A brand deck is like a visual manual for your brand. It shows how your brand looks, feels, and talks. It helps keep your brand consistent, making it easier for people to recognize and remember you.

It’s a guidebook for your brand's personality, aesthetic and connection strategy.

Why do I need one?

It’s an investment that pays off. It guarantees people understand who you are, what you do, why you do it and how. Every. Single. Time.

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